Today was such a nice day. The morning started off with a bit of a butt drag as it was cloudy, grey, bland and those kinds of days I just find myself walking around with a little cloud over my head. Decided to whip up a quick breakfast even though I was not hungry. Not even a little bit. I wonder when I'll actually start feeling hungry when I get up. No matter, I'm staying true to my promise of eating breakfast one way or another. Greek yogurt with kashi cereal, frozen blueberries and a drizzle of honey, hemp seed and cinnamon.

I realized that I'll be all out of yogurt far before I'm ready to go to the store so I decided to make some of my own. So, into the kitchen I went and got the and got the equipment out and measured out my milk and scraped as much starter yogurt as I could from the container that I was almost finished. Fished out my heating pad and crockpot insert and got the process under way. Heated my milk. Brought the yogurt to room temp. Popped my heating pad into the bottom of the crock pot insert and turned it on. After I had heated my milk and mixed in the starter I set the mixture to do its thing. Nested in the crook of the heating pad, with my digital meat thermometer and a dish towel it sat, and sat and sat. 7 hours later..... This is my litre of 2% organic yogurt. Lovely, isn't it? I plan to have some yummy breakfasts and a nice batch of Tzatziki out of this baby. It was actually so easy I don't think I'll ever buy yogurt again.
Of course, while I was waiting that whole seven hours I got the guys busy on their projects again. Its amazing. I was fishing out the incomplete flags from the file. I honestly could not pick out any of these flags from a line up but as I pulled them from the folder E. was telling me which was which. Do you know what the Australian flag looks like? How about Cyprus? Do you know why Cyprus was named that? It was named after the latin word
cyprium for copper because the island is rich in this metal. That is also the reason why its depicted as an ocher colour. I realize today that not only am I educating E (or he educating me) but I'm also getting a pretty good rounding out.

Lunch was a simple affair. Onion soup with mushroom and kale. A ham and greens Ezekiel wrap and some carrots. Shortly after I through a flank steak into the crockpot with some chili powder, cumin, cilantro, salt pepper, garlic and onion and a can of diced tomatoes. I had an idea....beef burritos.
But not until after naps and picking hubby up at the station. Once we were home I sauteed up the peppers and onions. Got the spelt dough ready and then started rolling out the tortillas. Husband, my unwitting assistant manned the skillet and cooked the tortillas. He did a most excellent job. By 6:30 dinner was on the table. E. and L. actually ate one each (ok one tortilla cut in half and filled).

I was so impressed with dinner that I've vowed to never buy tortillas again. These were just too easy and way too fresh and delicious.
On top of the tortilla I've got refried beans, shredded steak, sauteed onions and peppers. Low fat cheddar and some salsa. Too damn good. What makes it all that much better? Why don't you know me at all?

Yeah right, like you didn't see that coming! LOL
Did I mention how much I love Burrito/Corona Fridays? Olé!
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