I had a nice breakfast and some really great coffee. I warmed up some of the leftover CP oatmeal and sliced some bananas on top. Added a little hemp seed for some texture. Today, however I could only eat about a half cup of it. Some days its just too much.
So with some idle time on my hands I planned our projects out for the week. This is going to be a pretty active week. We are venturing into the world of "lap books". Each child has chosen his project subject. E wants to do flags of the world and L. has chosen trains. We've brainstormed what we'd like to discover about each topic and how we wanted to display our work. Research has commenced. I have to say they are both pretty excited about this new task. I think for E, anything that takes him away from math drills is likely a blessing.
This was a chicken with mixed spring greens, cucumber, tomato with a light feta smear on a rice wrap. I'd like to say I had green grapes but that would be a stretch. I got to chase my wrap down with some nice hot Jasmine tea. All while debating with my husband about Hockey Jerseys for the boys and when to get them.
A plan was hatched that we would pick him up at the station after work and head to the library. At the library we picked up a horde of books on trains, flags and E has opted to do a lap book on the skeletal system as well. He's really into this whole lap book thing. I'm excited for him. I even managed to pick up a fast chick flick book for myself. I've got some Canlit on hold but there is quite a queue a head of me for just about every book I chose. I'll just have to while a way the time with some junk food for the mind.
We then took the boys over to McD's to stretch their legs and run around. Of course a bad dinner choice was made on my part. Instead of coming home and just whipping up a lean cuisine or a bowl of soup. I had their food. But that's all I'm going to say on that subject.
Off to Crappy Tire, ahem, I mean Canadian Tire to pick up the Jerseys. No dice. They were cleaned out of kid sized hockey sweaters. So we investigated the hockey skates and got a tiny pair for L. Do they not sell simply white figure skates for women anymore. All I could find were these clunky looking all plastic molded boots. Yuck. I'll keep looking.
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