Grabbed a cup of coffee and called the boys to come and join me. I love the way L. comes bounding down the stairs all happy to see me every morning. He is so precious. E. likes to lay in bed longer. It ususally takes him about 45 minutes to come down and join us for breakfast. I don't mind. Since normally we don't have any where we have to be first thing in the morning there is no reason why he can't transition into the day the way he likes.
We got down to work on our projects and passed part of the morning working on the lap books and then drawing treasure maps. Planning grocery lists and horsing around. I puttered in between refocusing E. on his projects and activities and cups of tea. I was about to pull something out of the fridge to start in on making dinner when husband mentioned that it would be nice to go out for dinner as a family. I had to agree. The boys really seem to enjoy the novelty of it.
For lunch I made up some tuna salad with half fat mayo and some minced sweet onion. Then decided that I just wasn't in a bread mood and didn't feel like waiting for a wrap to thaw (the microwave tends to dry them out too much). So a snack platter was created. In usual manner, the boys mooched some of my apple even after I gave them a quarter of it while I sliced it up! Maybe I should start putting liver on my plate and see how they like that! I grabbed up a can of diet coke but didn't drink it. I didn't even open it.
I've decided that its time to seriously cut down on my consumption of diet colas. I'm not sure there are many days when I haven't consumed at least one can. That's not healthy even if there weren't a question about the safety of diet sodas and aspartame. So how do I plan to proceed? Since its really the fizzy that I want so badly I think I'll just start buying Perrier or S.Pellegrino (non-flavoured) and pair those with lemon/lime slices. That ought to work.
After naps we head down to the station to pick hubby up and the off quick as a flash for an early dinner. We always aim to be at the restaurant for 5-5:30 so that there is no waiting and the service is faster since we are ahead of the dinner rush. We went to Montanas because its the boys' favourite place. Its so much fun to do this with them because they get into the place and they immediately start charming the waitresses. Then the get into the booth and start immediately to circle their choices on the kid menu. Its not like this ever changes. Still they are proud as anything to be deciding everything.

I got home with enough time to relax for a bit. Then kiss my men good night and head out the door. Coffee at Laura's is always a blast. Especially, if Christine shows up. There are always laughs to be had. We got on about something last night that was so hilarious and I said I'd put it down as my facebook status today but when I got up I was drawing an absolute blank. Still for the life of me I can't remember what it was. Ack..doesn't matter. The laughter was good medicine last night.
I got in the door at 12:30 am and was bushed. I was yawning all the way home on the drive but by the time I got in the door I had such a chill from the cold steering wheel that I couldn't get myself warm enough to drop off to sleep. So today I'm feeling a little hung over. I have no regrets though. I just wish we could get together more often.
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