Husband took the day off so that we could take the boys into the city to the AGO. So up early after a fabulous night's sleep. We had more than enough time to get ourselves fed (Spelt blueberry pancakes w/almond butter and agave) and cleaned up and out the door. Got a cup of Tims (timbits for the kids) for the drive.

Watching the traffic on the 401, looking for more guitar-playing truck drivers. A few months ago when we took the kids to the Royal Winter Fair, while we were driving through Pickering on the 401 we looked over to see a truck weaving a little. We wondered if the driver was drunk. When we got up closer (but over a lane) we noticed that the driver of the truck was playing the guitar while he was supposed to be driving! We were so upset by it that we tried to report him to the OPP but couldn't find the number. Some people should be just be slapped.
The drive in was uneventful and the city was at peak fever. Husband is such a pro at navigating it. I have to admit I've never gotten over my intimidation of driving in the downtown core. We lived in Bloor West Village for about 4 years and we'd venture downtown quite a bit but only ever by TTC. Why pay for parking and all the hassle of the traffic if you didn't have to. That may also be why I'm not good at remembering just where all the medium sized landmarks are on a map. I can easily get to all the big ones. I'm not an idiot after all *eye roll*
The exhibit started with its fair share of pomp. We were guided into the anteroom. In front of us were the temple doors. Over head were suspended flat screens. On the walls to the side were oil torch replicas on a rendition of carved granite walls. The room was very dark. In a moment the tour guide took up the microphone and introduced the exhibit and then the movie intro started to play. Harrison Ford's rich voice poured out of hidden speakers in surround. Images of the Pyramids of Giza and the riches that lie within in montage scrolled across the screens. Then after the brief teazer the doors of the temple opened slowly to reveal a graphic mural of the Pyramids at dusk.
The exhibit rooms were kept dark and the antiquities were kept behind plate glass except for the genuinely large sculptures which were harvested from the temple door ways. They were large indeed when you considered where they had been taken from. It really helped to put into perspective what the size of the interiors of the pyramids and common places with the kingdoms must have been.
I had studied in University over the years, in pretty fair detail a good many of the items that were on display. It was a fine treat for me. Though I will have to say my enthusiasm dampened each and every time I would have to jockey to get a view while the ignorant masses blocked, for long periods of time, the object while they listened to their audio devices (which the exhibit rented to further educate/irritate). There is very little doubt in my mind that the descriptions of the displays were wordy, indeed. That most of the people enjoying them wouldn't remember even two points per item of what was being said let alone remember what they had seen. I found the use of these items to be just as rude as if they had been texting their BFF's while hogging the best spots in the gallery.
It took us about 45 minutes to get through the whole exhibit. When we finished I think we were a little let down. We were disappointed that they only sarcophagus to be displayed was a minor one. Though still miraculous in its stature. I was hoping that the sarcophagus of King Tut would be on display. No dice. Still there was enough gold and alabaster to keep enough happy. We wondered about and came to the open space at the front of the gallery which to me always feels like either being in the belly of a transparent fish or the bones of a great ship. The boys loved this space. Pushing themselves up against the glass and watching the traffic in the street below. Watching for street cars and large trucks. We actually chuckled to ourselves that of course, this would be their favourite part of the whole experience.

The adventure over we beat it home for lunch (chicken & turkey bacon rice wrap with spicy mustard dressing and mushroom soup) and naps. Hubby then took E. to the Dojo for his kata exam. Of course, he passed and now has the pee wee green belt. He also shared all his information about the Tut adventure to Sensei. They chuckle about how educated they are getting from having E. under their tutelage.
On the way home Husband called and asked me to call in an order to our favourite sushi restaurant and he'd pick it up! Oh heaven!

Oh man, it doesn't look all the pretty on my service but I'll tell you it was fabulous! I haven't had sushi since New Year's Eve. Oh I know its a hardship to be sure. This lasted all of five minutes. I think I totally inhaled it.
Spicy Salmon Rolls, Assorted Nigiri and Miso Soup paired with their house green salad. Bliss.
Once my sushi belly settles I'm going to get in some yoga and some reading. My husband got me a subscription to Running Times. I'm looking forward to diving into it. Husband also unearthed a copy of "Catcher in the Rye" and I hope to start in on that tomorrow.
We got into a big discussion over breakfast about why the book had never been made into a movie. Apparently, J. D. Salinger could never imagine any "star" of the day playing the part of Holden. Therefore, the rights were never sold. The question was, if the movie were to be made today who could you see being Holden? A very good question. I'm not big on any of the A-listers for this character. We tossed out a few names and each of us batted them down for various reasons. I'd almost be afraid of what Hollywood would do to this story. I've been disappointed with so many movies that were books. The latest to come to mind, My Sisters Keeper.
Well enough prattle. I'm off. Dig that full moon eh?
"Anyway, I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all. Thousands of little kids, and nobody's around - nobody big, I mean - except me. And I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff - I mean if they're running and they don't look where they're going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That's all I do all day. I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all. I know it's crazy, but that's the only thing I'd really like to be." ~J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye