The best consolation to getting up so early is that I get to spend some quiet time with my hubby with a cup of very fresh coffee (he makes the best coffee) and it's time spent before the kids get up and make an ungodly amount of noise. Before I went to bed last night my run partner had written to say that she was unwell. I was expecting that it wouldn't improve overnight. Thing is, if Sheree thinks she's sick, she's sicker than she'd like to admit. So I was prepared to map a route and head out later than 8 am.
Breakfast today was a big, big bowl of oatmeal with a scoop of plain protein powder, almond milk, cinnamon and some raisins. I sweetened it with some agave. Then I had a big bunch of grapes and an orange. Downed another cup of coffee and headed out the door about 10:30 for my run.
Ok, so I allowed my ego to map my run today. I was supposed to do 12K but mapped a 14.5K route. Not a big deal. Not a huge increase either. I figured if I felt strong I'd do the whole distance. If I was feeling fatigued or sore I'd turn at the 6K mark and make it a 12K.
Off I went. It seemed the whole run was into the wind in both directions! How on Earth is that possible? The worst part was that with the ground bare all I could smell was dog poop. I kept wondering if it was just me imagining it or if it was really poop. Gross. I don't think there would have been any avoiding that. I did enjoy the sun. It made the run nice and warm despite the wind.
I ran out of side walk right at 7K, oddly right at the Welcome To Oshawa sign. I took it as a sign that I should turn around and make my way home. It was a good run. I listened to my audiobook and ran a very consistent pace. I was so happy to turn down my street and head in that I had to fight from picking up the pace.
Husband went to watch the hockey game at his dad's place tonight leaving me in peace to watch a chick flick and just relax. As soon as he put his coat on to go I herded the kids upstairs for bed. Both were sound asleep less than 20 minutes of being in bed. They had a good day.
I'm still exhausted and think that turning in early is a great idea. That was only 14K. What the heck am I going to be like when I have covered 20K?
Note: I only put a dollar into the swear jar yesterday and today I haven't sworn at all. I should quickly hit the pillow so that I can get away with one good day!
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