I was out late last night and slept a bit too late and missed seeing Punsutawney Phil. Ground Hog Day is always a big thing for me. I love to find excuses to celebrate. I think its awesome to be able to inject a little bit of fun into a lack luster stretch of winter. My kids actually think I'm nuts. That's ok because in 20 years they'll remember my enthusiasm and think about it all in a different light. We are planning a trip down to see him at Gobbler's Knob, in a year or two. What a fun thing to do!
Besides the let down of missing the early celebrations it was a fairly normal day. I didn't have the great pool of energy that I had yesterday and I believe that carried over into my run tonight. I wonder how much of it is due to my late night?
This held me very well until 11 am when I started to gather lunch together. I still haven't had a chance to sit and look over the recipes in that cookbook but I'm hoping to put something yummy together for tomorrow's dinner.
After getting the kid's lunch together I was left to figure out what mine should be. A trip down to
Ahhh the pantry. This can be a dangerous place for me. I do admit that much of what I make comes from the inspiration my pantry provides. I am an admitted food hoarder. My pantry offers just way too many options.
Like today, I almost talked myself into making quickie crab cakes but opted for a light tuna salad (onion, half mayo, hemp seed) on a flax seed bagel with a bit of low fat cheddar.
As I was standing there in the basement looking at the goods on the shelves, sifting through all the possibilities. I decided to go with something simple. Brown Rice Pasta w/kale, bell peppers, onions, carrots, sweet basil, turkey sausage and goat cheese feta.
I ate my dinner in quiet tonight. A rare occasion. The men were off at their Karate Class and I was left to myself for about an hour or so.
I got to watch a few "Cougar Towns". I love this show because its all so very true! Hilarious! Which brings me to my next thought. Lent starts next week.
I love Lent. I think it's one of my favourite times of the year. I always use it as an opportunity to make improvements. Give things up that are missed. Spend a good deal of time in reflection. Most years I give up TV. Yes, its true. I go on a full TV fast. Its actually very therapeutic and I do often wonder how the TV gets turned back on. This year I'd like to do something different. Something I've never done before. Perhaps this year I will add things to my Lenten experience that will improve me. What that ought to be? I'm not sure yet. I've got a week to kick it about.
Do you do or give up anything during the Lent season? How does it make you feel?
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