It's been a busy day though I didn't really get off the couch much. Been doing a lot of work for Misty. Trying hard to crack the code of Kijiji and Craigslist. Stubborn sites I tell you. I got a new assignment this morning that kept me going too.
Of course I could have gotten it all done quickly if: 1) I was a seasoned vet. 2) my kids would have left me alone to have two seconds of lucid uninterrupted thought.
I started the day early too. Woke to a grey day. Definitely, feels like spring now that it's raining. We'll have three solid days of it too so that will make the long run wet indeed!
I had to try out this new recipe from Brendan Braizer. It's fabulous! 1 banana 1 scoop of the vega smoothie infusion 1tbps cocoa 2 tbsp almond butter 2 pitted dates 1 c of almond milk 1 tbsp ground flax seed
Totally yummy. Looking at the picture is just making me hungry again. More work and laundry. I was going to teach a lesson in community and relationships to the boys today but with being cooped up in the house without the opportunity to run around and burn off their excess energy that lesson would have been an act of futility. Really, how could I expect them to sit still for that!
I put in some movies and whipped out the play doh. Read some books and then got down to the business of making them a living room picnic lunch. As soon as, they were taken care of I whipped up another pita sandwich. It's the spicy hummus. It's got me addicted.
It's some of that leftover roasted chicken, spicy hummus, whole wheat pita (just half) yellow bell pepper and cucumber. I sliced up half a pink grapefruit to go with it. I had completely forgotten that I purchased the grapefruit. So good. Almost like finding a $20 bill in an old pair of jeans.
After som e more tinkering at the computer, another load of laundry. A movie switch up and some tidying my hunger was back. It's just a hungry kind of day I guess.
Pistachios. OMG where have you been all my life. Oh yes, I remember. Totally expensive and dyed some very strange shade of red. Also too salty and hazardous to my tongue. These are unsalted roasted natural. Lovely! More of my new addiction, spicy hummus and a large cup of sencha.
My house work is done but I have just realized that I have totally forgotten to make dinner or even to plan dinner for the guys. I messed up large. I sure hope hubby and invent something good for dinner. Maybe he can be persuaded to order a pizza. I need to go warm up some leftovers for my own dinner so that I don't go nuts on movie theater popcorn. Oh and I've decided that one diet coke will not kill me tonight. It's a pretty rare occasion when I get to see a movie in the theater. I still feel like I'm cheating though *giggle*
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