Breakfast in. OK, so I just had a huge cup of coffee and a Kashi bar. Misty you can stop shaking her head at me now. The kids fed and dressed. The grocery list in hand and out the door we went. Why does it take me nearly two hours to complete the grocery shopping? Seriously, why? The store was sparsely populated and I had no trouble finding things. The cart got over filled but almost all of it was from the produce aisle. I purchased an insane amount of produce.
Then skipped the meat aisle again (my freezer is still pretty full). I do my biggest damage in the "hippy" aisle. Of course, it doesn't help that everything is bulky and twice the cost of anything else in the store. The boys picked out each a new box of cereal from said aisle. I let them hold the boxes for the whole trip. The deal was that if they wanted it for lunch they were more then welcomed but that they needed to be good for me. Didn't really help matters much because I could be over heard several times saying that I was going to look for the wine aisle and then they could act up as much as they liked. CAS would handle the rest *snort* Too bad they are too young to really understand what Mommy means.

After the purse was emptied and the groceries in the car. The kids strapped in and still holding their Organic 7 grain flakes and granola (man I don't care...yeah its like $10 a box but it doesn't have a stupid multi-coloured toucan or tiger hawking their chemical enhanced crap)

They ate two bowls of the new cereal and the room was so quiet except for the very loud crunching of the granola. They didn't even ask for sugar to be sprinkled on top. Worth every damn penny!
So once the kids were fed I managed to jam all the groceries into their designated spots. I made myself some lunch though I still wasn't very hungry.
1/2 a whole wheat pita with spicy hummus smeared inside and yellow bell pepper, tomato, cucumber jammed inside. Some tiny oranges that pretty much looked good on the plate (not that I got a chance to eat them....L. the mooch strikes again). Finished up my cup of coffee and started in on the house work.
Kitchen cleaned, floors swept and washed. A couple loads of laundry in. Snacks made. By 3:30 I was famished. So I rolled up three thin slices of mozza cheese into three slices of honey ham. Half and apple and a handful of salt free roasted pistachios. A cup of Sencha chased it all back.
Once the break was over I oiled my cutting boards (zzzzzzz boring!) then organized the front hall. Washed the windows (again) and the closet glass. Through more laundry in the washer and searched high and low for L's Obi which apparently, he'd left at the dojo. Meaning I tore my house apart and got all grumpy for no reason *grrrrr*
Got the kids dressed and ready for Karate.
Not bad at all.
1 banana
1/4 c frozen blueberries
1 c water
1/2 c orange juice
1 scoop of Smoothie Infusion
1/2 c ice (but I omitted that)
Whiz it up in the blender and it was really good. Nice and thin and I was able to drink it down quickly. I'm impressed.
The run was bad. I can tell that I spent a great deal of my energy on grocery shopping and house work because I felt tired and winded for the first 15 mins. Then I got to the top of the long climb at the top of Cochrane and Taunton and was able to recover going west on Taunton. By the time I got to the bottom of the hill I felt a lot better and the rest of the run was spent going at a faster clip than I'm used to.
I made it home with plenty of time for a shower and get dinner going. By the time the guys come home from Karate dinner was ready and we sat and enjoyed the meal.
I created a stir fry with leftover roasted chicken, broccoli, onion, carrot. Then tossed in some soba noodles. Made a sauce from the stock and rice starch.
Everyone enjoyed it. Unfortunately, the noodles have a colour that isn't the most appetizing shade. Normally I'd serve it in a ginger broth but I wanted something slightly more filling.
The kitchen is clean, the kids are tucked into their beds and I'm looking forward to crashing with the rest of a book of short stories written by Alice Munro. I've been interested in seeing the movie "Away From Her" but wanted the story first hand. It is a bleak short story told by the unrepentant philandering husband about his loss when his wife is admitted to a nursing home with a severe case of Alzheimer's disease. He swings from loneliness to jealousy as his wife falls in love with a fellow resident and doesn't even remember that she's married let alone that the man that visits twice a week and follows them about is actually her husband.
The rest of the book is comprised of more stories much in the same vein. All thought provoking but sadly, all in the same morbid flavour. I think I'll be happy when I'm done the book as I really hate to leave things unfinished. Don't get me wrong, they are fabulous stories just really depressing. I think I've let my brain get too fatty on chicklit.
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