Hubby has been home for the last two days to take care of me and the kids. Poor man. Not fun. I'm so sure he's thinking that I'm as big a pain in the ass as the pain in my ass.
Sheree has me signed in for a gentle Hatha class tonight and I'm hoping that it helps my mobility. I'm hopefully optimistic. At least I'll be better able to describe what exactly went wrong. It is really hard to explain pain with words.
So it's confession time. Yes, I'm injured and feeling sorry for myself. Yes, I have indulged in some pity party food. But I'm back on track today. I made myself a citrus smoothie for breakfast and made myself a 1/2 a whole wheat pita with spicy hummus stuffed with spinach leaves, orange bell pepper and avocado slices. Paired that with half a pink grapefruit and for a snack I had a handful of unsalted pistachios and a cup of Sencha.

Yes it is too good to waste on just the one blog. It's my desktop background right now. Perhaps not suitable for it to be yours.