Sheree said that she tried it but the calorie count was insane. We got on to talking about what we love and why we love it. I discovered that I'm an emotional eater a few months ago (most of us are apparently). When not on an emotional binge, thankfully they are few and far in between, I am a chip & diet coke a-holic. These are clearly things I cannot have in the house.
Then I thought about it more. I'm also addicted to cheese. I'm not even going to examine my coffee fetish. I told her the other day that I was jonsing for something fizzy so badly that I had actually considered having a beer after finding the Perrier case empty. Of course I didn't have the beer (it was 1 pm) as it doesn't score Good Mommy points and would actually be a tick in the "perhaps I need a 12 step program" column.
Really at this point I would have to say that my diet coke addiction has been harder to kick then my old cigarette addiction.
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