Started the day off with a stellar cup of coffee (thanks hubby). Made one of the worst smoothies ever. Spinach, strawberries, blackberries, almond milk and Vega infusion. Holy cow was it bad. I suspect it's the infusion stuff. Normally you can't taste the spinach in the smoothies but this tasted more like "greens". So I dropped in some Almond butter and a shot of honey and more water to thin it. Down the hatch it went. I'll research a better smoothie recipe for the infusion stuff. Until then I'll just use my usual protein stuff.
Then after some laptop procrastination I set the PVR to catch my favourite P.T. chickie on TV. Rounded up the kidlets and my now loose fitting tankini and headed out to the gym. Ran the length of the pool for 30 minutes. It was awkward and tough. I bet I looked silly. Oh well, what had to be done, had to be done. Next time I'll pack water socks. My feet are sore from rubbing against the pool floor so much.
Oh did I mention that the Good Doctor has given me a time-line. Six weeks until he feels I can rejoin the pack. I'm excited. A light at the end of the tunnel. He did caution me that I can expect a lot more pain and he requires me to do a lot of hard work in the pool to get me there. I'm up for the challenge. It will be too late for me to run the WIN but that is of little consequence now. I'll just ask Ian to hold over my registration for a different race this summer.
Ok got to get to the laundry *wince*
Just placating the monkey on my back! *wink* Very determined to make a come back!