This is going to be a pretty long blog...sorry. I've got a lot of food blogging to catch up on.
So today was the day. Got up and got myself ready to go. I only had a chance to down a cup of coffee before we headed out so we hit Tim Hortons for another coffee and something to eat on our way into the Big Smoke. I got a plain bagel with cream cheese and ate half. Their bagels are way too big.
We got into the city and picked up the boys' computer at husband's office. Then headed down to Greek Town. By some sort of miracle Hubby found a parking spot in their micro-parking lot. Paid the meter and walked into Mecca. This place is small but holy cow! Thankfully the carts are really small too or I would have gone completely bizerk and stuffed everything into it. I wandered up all the food aisles. I didn't get a chance to see the grooming products aisle or the house hold cleaning products aisle. I had to work fast or the kids would become a bit of an issue.
Got to the cash register in record time for a grocery shop and get this....they bagged everything for me! They almost seemed shocked when I had dug in and started bagging my stuff. I guess they've never seen the Superstore Fugitives before *snort*
Here is the bounty of this pilgrimage. I'll be going into the city more often. Not as often as I would like (I'd go nearly weekly but really the price of gas totally prohibits that). Wow, what didn't I get? I tried to keep it to produce as that's what I really have trouble finding. This picture is deceptive as I tried to get everything into the shot but there are things buried under other things. I guess my photography skills are dismal.

Someone thought it was quite funny to put a little storm trooper in the kale. I'll let you guess who that person might have been (hint: Think hubby *snicker*)
We had lunch at Wimpy's. Now I know this was a less than healthy choice but sometimes a girl has to live. I got a BLT on Rye with a bottle of water so it wasn't so tragic. I did however watch E. the non-eater polish off an order of pancakes then motor through his brother's grilled cheese sandwich. Talk about a mystifying meal!
Got home and unpacked the bounty and tried my best to fit it all into the fridge. I had taken some scallops out the night before but they were still frozen come dinner time (boo hoo hoo) so Hubby treated me to sushi (the steak bento at Villa Sushi is unreal but way too much food for one person!). So tonight those scallops needed to be made. I looked over what I had available and came up with this:

Seared Scallops on a bed of living lettuce (oak leaf, deer tongue, baby romaine, Italian parsley, basil, sunflower sprouts, broccoli sprouts) with red grapefruit and roasted root vegetables (turnips, beets, carrots, potatoes) tossed with a citrus ginger dressing. Not too shabby. I even got hubby to eat a beet. Ok so he did protest after. Score one for him.
I'm afraid that I've managed to do something to tweek the injury. I've noticed today that I'm a little tender so I'm going to take it easy tonight. I had planned to do some yoga but it might aggravate it more. Stupid injury.
Ok so here are the meals that I haven't blogged this week. Not every meal got documented but these are some of the meals from Thursday through Friday.

Thursday's breakfast: oats with almond milk, dates, almonds, hemp hearts and honey. An orange and banana.

Chicken salad with pear and celery on my multigrain bread with an orange.

Seared steak on lemon, kale and mushroom brown rice risotto (with the ends of the kids' corn nibblets, didn't have the heart to waste them so I stuck them on my plate).

Friday's breakfast was a slice of my multigrain bread with a tablespoon of almond butter with banana and strawberry slices (vat of coffee not shown)

Lunch was a slice of my multigrain bread with tuna salad (mayo, yogurt, hemp seed, celery and onion) with some light cheddar.

Afternoon snack of pineapple, strawberries and banana.
No picture of the Bento but trust me it was fabulous and way too much food. From now on we'll be splitting it and ordering a side of rolls.
Pheww...told you it would be a long blog. If anyone got to the end, thanks for hanging in there with me.