It was nice. Not too crowded. The produce section was in the midst of being restocked for the weekend so I was able to grab right out of the boxes. Fresh! Nice! No strawberries though. Darn, I was really hoping to grab up a couple of containers. Been eating them like candy in the last week because they don't upset my stomach like most other fruit.
Got some deals and stocked up on the veg. I looked in on the meats and I have to say I wasn't all that impressed. Expensive and really not all that much more to offer than what I'd find termed "free-from" at Superstore. So I didn't pick up any meat, milk or cheese. I can get that here. Which suits me fine as I can transport it safely home without fear of spoilage.
I was headed for the check out when hubby and the boys reappeared. I had just finished paying and watching them bag my purchase (a nice bonus I must add) I looked down and there is L. with the largest red lollipop I've ever seen. Literally bigger than his face. Ironic, no doubt.
We packed the stuff into the car and headed to Ikea (no problem since nothing I purchased would spoil). We let the boys play in the play area. OMG this is so nice. They get checked in. It's pretty elaborate. No real chance of anyone walking off with your kid since they actually require a signature check from the checking out adult. You're given a pager should they need to call you back. You've got 40 mins to shop without having to entertain a child. It was like a date night!
I went to pick up some glass serving bowls and look for some patio stuff. Hubby was looking for a child's table for the kid's computer. We didn't wind up getting it or the kid's chairs because they were out of stock. No matter. I did come home with the bowls and a nice rack to hang pots of herbs in the dining room so that I can grow them year round. I never bothered to do this before because there was nothing to put the pots on so that they could get as much natural light as possible. They will also be high enough up so that they are not of any interest to the boys. *JOY*
On our way home we stopped and had a late lunch. Once we got home and got the veg/fruit put away we pretty much fizzled out. Rain really started up and our energy drained. Dinner tonight might just be a sandwich. None of us are at all hungry.
Ok, time to get to work and churn out some spreadsheets :) Going to make a pot of tea and settle in to get the job done so I can go to bed early and read a few chapters of a rapid read book. I've only got 'till Tuesday to get it back before I get charged a buck a day. It's not worth a buck a day fine. But a nice chicklit read anyway.
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