Today though, I spent a little bit more time out in the garden. I was harvesting herbs because a dear friend of mine was kind enough to loan me her dehydrator. This thing rules and I have to seriously purchase my own since I'm finding more and more uses for it! Today I'm dehydrating lemon balm, basil, thyme, cilantro, sage and mint. As soon as I've got that done and put up in jars I'll head back out and harvest some of my lavender and lemon basil.
Even after taking the scissors to the herb garden I still have a lot more to take out. It's amazing what good fertilizer and a couple of hot days can do to make things shoot up. I've also noticed that my containers of basil need to be divided and distributed. Perhaps I'll do that after dinner if the mosquitoes could hold off.
I've noticed that not only are the mosquitoes bad this year but the flies are just ridiculous. Was the rain to blame for that too?
Now on to the topic of putting myself back on project status. You know that I started the year off with such a fabulous start. Finally getting my eating in line with my new active lifestyle then poof. Running injury. Full stop.
I have admitted that with the injury my eating got completely off track. I still ate the healthy stuff but peppered a lot of my emotional eating with the bad stuff. Attitudes relaxed. Well yesterday I committed to me again. Since I've gotten the all clear from The Good Doc to get back to training (but mindful training) that it's time to get back to business. No more wallowing. So yesterday I decided to honor this commitment.

Though I got off to a bad start with not eating breakfast I was able to ignore the bad cravings and make a very healthy lunch of roasted pepper hummus, kashi flaxseed crackers, a smidge of light cheddar, apple, carrots and a pinch of strawberries from my garden. Washed down with several glasses of ice water with fresh mint (from my garden of course). I munched on half an apple that L decided he wanted to share with me before dinner. Because I didn't make a very good plan for dinner we had sauteed rainbow swiss chard with onions, garlic and mushrooms. I did up two sunny side-up eggs to lay on top and had some 12 grain bread.
After dinner I headed out to a friend's place for a chat and resisted the wine and fruit offering and stuck to a couple of frosty glasses of ice water. I didn't even have a craving for anything else. Came home and poured myself into bed, finished reading Twilight for the third time and fell fast asleep.
Today I tried to have breakfast before taking the kids to camp but puttered around too long and wound up not eating until noon. Fortunately I was able to fight down the craving monsters again and gave into a big batch of organic oatmeal with honey and raisins made up in a nearly empty jar of organic peanut butter. Sooo good! I have a feeling I'm good until dinner time. Which will be grilled pork chops with a Greek styled tomato/cucumber/feta/red quinoa salad. The cucumbers and herbs being supplied by my ample garden box.