Woke up to rain and a little thunder after a night snuggling with my little boy who crept into the bed without so much as a peep. He had a nightmare and sought comfort and comfort he got. When I finally stopped hitting snooze on the alarm clock I looked over and he was hogging the entire bed. What a kid!
I don't begrudge him the comfort. He's a really good little guy and I don't get nearly enough snuggle time with him any more because he is now at that magic age where he wants to be so fiercely independant and getting a kiss from mom in front of his friends is baby-ish *sniff sob*.
Spring was in the air, though the air was still chilly. The kids in their raincoats and rubber boots. Me in my non-transitional winter coat. I really need to get a better spring jacket. Though I'm sure if I blink I'd hardly need it. After double school drop-off I headed out to Crappy Tire (Canadian Tire) to pick up a gel seat to sheild my bum for the inevidable hurting Sheree was going to inflict. I was immediately distracted by the gardening displays.
They were stacked tall with seed potatoes and packaged onion, shallots and garlic bulbs. All of which quickly found their way into my basket. I was giddy when I finally wheeled up to the check out. What's better than gardening supplies? Not spending a cent of real money on any of it. I finally pulled out the huge wad of Crappy Tire money that I'd been saving up through out the year and bought the whole lot. So now, my earliest crops will be free! So worth the effort of preparing the soil early.
Navigating the mine field of weirner dog poop, I made my way out to my pyramid garden box to see what the green was that was pushing its way up through the bracken left behind from fall. (I didn't clear out the boxes, leaving the leftover greens to sheild and insulate the more tender perrenials from the harshest part of the snow and frost). This paid off in spades. Sure it will be a pain to clean up but if a plant lives through the winter than all the better! The green turned out to be the strawberry plants $40 worth invested last spring, that I feared wouldn't survive the cold, what with being in the top of the box. I also discovered that they sent out major runners last summer and now I'm going to need to dig around and relocate a few plants once they are a little bigger. So looks like I'm all set for berries for this new season. *happy dance*
Now I need to get down to the nitty gritty and clean up the gardens and that means cleaning up the fertilizer that wieners so aptly supplied to the lawn. I'll have the greenest grass on the block again. What can I say shit happens! Get the spuds and garlic/shallots and onions going. Then start planning the rest of my bumper crops. Environment Canada is promising another hot sunny summer! Soon we'll be putting out the patio furniture and sipping iced tea.
I'm giddy....yipee!
Monday, April 4, 2011
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