Surely it's been more than a month since I last blogged. Where have I been, you might ask? What have I been doing? Well let's see...where have I been? I've been here. Busy of course. Working feverishly, and tending house and family. Training for yet another half marathon, though I admit my heart is barely in this one but then I've been there, done that. I have a fickled runner's heart that way. I've been hanging with friends and navigating the stresses of a new school year.
What has inspired me? Certainly the season change has inspired me. Welcoming the chilly weather runs. Layering in thin shirts for running in the early hours. The leaves trying on their fall colours and scattering in the wind. The pantry has opened itself up to the seasonal comfort foods (as I speak I'm baking wild rice with seeds and berries in acorn squash as a wonderful side dish). Everything Thanksgiving has me planning and creating and looking forward to that special day in our home.
My eldest son, E, turns 7 this year. It's amazing. Each day I stare at him and think, "wow, he's really turning into a big kid". He really invests himself into everything he puts his hands too. I'm in awe of him. In every way he is all that I have ever wanted to be! L, is amazing. He writes me love letters and follows me around like my shadow on days when he's not in school wanting to help me. He comes up with wonderful ideas for baking projects and I find that I can't say no. He is always so free with cuddles and tries so hard to be good. What can I say? I think my kids are the best things I ever made from scratch.
What has been daunting me? I have a little niggling injury which is making me take a very conservative approach to my half training this time around. Though I will admit it doesn't scare me in as much as I appreciate that I can more than happily do the distance but that once again an injury will keep me from setting my sights on a time goal. Doesn't much matter...I don't do the distances for time. I do them because I love the achievement.
What has been buoying me? My husband. I love him so much. I'm so happy to see him each and every day and wish that we had more time together to really enjoy each other's company. Most of our time together is monopolized by the kids and we focus so intensely on them during the week. Once the weekend arrives we always swear that we'll spend more time together but of course, extra-curricular and social obligations have us headed on different paths for much of the those two days. Still, he knows just what to say to balance out my unsorted mind. My heart still skips a beat when I look at him.
My wonderful friends inspire me. They listen to my concerns. They laugh at my ridiculous jokes. They agree with my insane opinions when I know they think I'm nuts. Still, their positive energy keeps me coming out to workouts and runs when I'd like revert back to my old hermit ways. I'm healthier all the way around because of them. They keep me so busy I don't have a chance to have that emotional, mental meltdown.
What do I look forward to doing? I look forward to returning to all my cold weather hobbies. I also look forward to cold weather running too. Picking up my knitting that has sat dormant for two seasons. I really suck at finishing projects. Like a typical Gemini, I burn hot then get distracted by shiny things.
What irritates me? That damn school parking lot and the mad dash to be in two places at once. Why on Earth are the two bells so close together? They have half the school coming from outside their boundaries but yet the bell times stay the same. I hate election rhetoric. Really, why don't they save a bunch of money and when we go to vote just have the electoral administrator hand us the ballot and tell us to grab our ankles? It's about what winds up happening anyway. Why sugar coat it or sling mud at it? It is the only fundamental truth to be had in the whole process. The only parallel can be found in death and taxes.
What do I wish I could change? Well in the immediate sense, I suppose I wish that I could focus a little more on organized thoughts. If I could then I'd be able to blog more often *giggle*. I also wish that I didn't spin my wheels so much with worrying. It's really hard sometimes to remember that there isn't a whole lot in this world that I can control and it's fruitless to try to keep a cap on it. Having faith, is not my strong suit. I'd like to think that's a work in progress...ok that an my damn knititng projects!
Hopefully, it doesn't take me a whole month to come up with my next blog entry.
Friday, September 30, 2011
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