Monday, January 18, 2010

Domestic Mondays

Today most certainly felt like a Monday. I was tired despite having a great night's sleep. My legs have been sore and swollen today. I'm not exactly sure why. I took some Tylenol and it really hasn't helped.

I could have used this cup of coffee today. Now that I think of it, I only got the one cup today.

Breakfast was another love affair with my yogurt. Seriously, will never buy store bought again! Oh wait, I've said that already. Oh, I don't care. I still mean it. Had the Kashi and blueberries on top. Added in some Salba and hemp and agave syrup.
After breakfast I did several loads of laundry and started making multigrain bread. I had a great recipe for it once but with so many things in my life, it has been misplaced. I did a quick scan on the web and came up with one. I did a quick scan and almost changed it completely. After kneading it for 15 mins I popped it into the oven to proof while I got on with making some soup for dinner.

Into the crock pot went the fixings and it did its thing all afternoon. Once that was done I stopped and paused for a break. Kashi granola bar and a cup of tea. Did not allow myself to sit longer than 15 minutes for fear that I wouldn't get up again. Man did I ever make a mess making that bread. I just got that round of dishes and the floor swept when it was time to make the kids and myself some lunch.

I like leftovers. I'm seriously in love with these mushroom burgers. I couldn't help it. I had to have it for lunch. Once lunch was finished I popped in more laundry and then divided the dough into the tins to proof for the second time. I tried to sit down for a bit after but it seemed that the boys just kept me hopping. Now it likely wasn't the best idea in the world to keep them up from their naps. They were both pretty wired for most of the afternoon.

With the smell of soup and the smell of baking bread I just about wanted to chew my arm off. I have to say nothing smells as good as freshly baked bread. Unfortunately, my mood soured a bit when I tried to turn the bread out of the pans. It seems that they've received a bit too much wear and required a coating of oil before I put the dough in. Sadly they sure did stick. My mood got worse and worse as I had to fight to get them to release.

Didn't seem to matter. The boys found them delicious. You know what? They were delicious. Paired with my soup and some cheeses it was the perfect meal for tonight. The off thing was that L. was falling asleep in his dinner plate. I ate my dinner holding on to him while he drowsed on my shoulder. I didn't mind in the least. I don't get to hold on them as much any more. They are both growing up and becoming more independent and don't really want Mom slobbering on them all the time. So I steal just about every opportunity I can. Once dinner was over I brought him upstairs and tucked him in. He barely made it to the end of his Thomas story. Now I sit here in the quiet, blogging.

The plan for the night once E. is in bed is for me to do an hour of moon salutations. I'm really hoping that helps me with the aches in my lower legs. Then I'm going to read until 10:30. That's the plan. I'm sticking to it.

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